Founded in 2006, Xuzhou Withgoing Pet Products Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of pet products. We specialize in producing and exporting a wide range of high quality and innovative pet products, including Dog Beds, Dog Crates, Pet Strollers, Dog Clothes, Cat Trees, Cat Toys and other Animal Accessories etc, additionally we do OEM service for customers.
We have a professional team of designers and skilled workers, who develop various new products each year for your wide selections. Our products are 100% exported to mainly Europe, America (N&S), Australia, Asia etc. We enjoy high reputations from our customers all over the world due to our superior quality, competitive price, prompt delivery and excellent service.
Our final goal is seeking customer¡¯s satisfaction, around which all of our work is carried out. If the products we supplied have any defects in materials or workmanship or damaged in transit, we will replace for you or return the funds at your options.
We hope you find our website quick, simple and useful, just feed back to us if you have suggestions. Welcome to our company and hope to build a long-term business relationship with you! If you need further information about us, please don¡¯t hesitate to contact us, we are always at your service!
Thanks ours
Withgoing Pet Products Team
Company Info
Basic Information |
Company Name: | Xuzhou Withgoing Pet Products Co., Ltd |
Business Type: |
Manufacturer Exporter Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Services: | pet products,dog products,cat products,bird products,rabbit products,hamster products,pet beds,pet crates,cat furnitures, |
Brands: | withgoingpet |
Number of Employees: | 60 to 79 |
Company Website URL: | TradeNews.html |
Ownership & Capital |
Year Established: | 2006 |
Trade & Market |
Main Markets: | Worldwide Western Europe Eastern Europe North America Central/South America Eastern Asia Southeast Asia Mid East Oceania